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Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska 


Mississippi Statutes, Code of 1972 (Annotated), Chapter 451 and 515; Chapter 381 Laws of 1974, Sections 43-6-1 through 43-6-13; Chapter 3, Art. 23, Section 63-3-1111Mississippi statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public transportation. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog might cause to the premises. Mississippi state policy ensures equal employment opportunity for blind persons in its state service, in the service of its political subdivisions, in public schools and in employment supported in whole or part by public funds, except when the particular disability prevents performance of the work involved. Public accommodations include hotels, inns, restaurants, stores, places of resort and amusement, and all places to which the general public is invited. (Chapter 381, Sect. 43-6-5) Public transportation includes boats, airplanes, taxis, trains, buses, and all other common carriers. (Chapter 381, Sect. 43-6-5) A totally or partially blind pedestrian shall have all rights and privileges conferred by law upon other persons in any of the places of transportation or conveyance specified in Sect. 43-6-3 and 43-6-5, notwithstanding the fact that such a person is not carrying a predominantly white cane (with or without a red tip), or using a guide dog on a blaze orange leash. (Chapter 381, Sect. 43-6-9) Whenever a blind or partially blind pedestrian utilizing a guide dog or carrying the appropriate white cane (with or without a red tip) approaches an intersection, the approaching driver shall take such precautions as may be necessary to avoid injuring such pedestrian. (Chapter 3, Art. 23, Sect. 63-3-1111) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine not to exceed $100, or imprisonment for not more than 60 days, or both. (Chapter 381, Sect. 43-6-11)


Missouri Statutes, RSMo 1990, Sections 209.150, 209.160, 209.190, 304.080, 304.110; 8.740Missouri statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public transportation. A dog guide user also has a legal right to equal housing accommodations in all housing. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog might cause to the premises. A landlord is not required to modify the property nor to provide a higher degree of care than that provided other tenants. Public accommodations include hotels, stores, restaurants, places of resort and amusement and all other places to which the general public is invited. (Sect. 209.150) Public transportation includes airplanes, buses, boats, trains, taxis, and all other modes of conveyance offered for public use. (Sect. 209.150) Housing includes any real property or portion thereof offered for rent, lease or compensation as a home, residence, or sleeping place, but does not include a single family dwelling whose occupants offer not more than one room for rent. (Sect. 209.190) The driver of a vehicle shall yield the right-of-way to the pedestrian with a dog guide. The blind vendor who is authorized to operate vending facilities may keep his guide dog with him on the property while operating the vending facility. (L. 1981S.B 165 Sect. 9)(8.740) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof, who interferes with the above enumerated rights, is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly under Missouri law, including a fine not to exceed $25 and costs of prosecution and, in default of payment thereof, shall undergo imprisonment not exceeding 10 days. (Sect. 209.160)


Montana Statutes, Human Rights Law, passed in 1947 and last amended in 1997, Sections 49-4-202 through 49-4-217Montana statutes guarantee a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all public transportation. A dog guide user also has a legal right to equal housing accommodation in all housing. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog might cause to the premises. A landlord is not required to modify the property nor to provide a higher degree of care than that provided other persons. Also, Montana state policy ensures a blind person the right to equal employment opportunity in its state service, the service of its political subdivisions, the public schools or employment supported in whole or in part by public funds, except when the particular disability prevents performance of the work involved. Public accommodations include hotels, public buildings, stores, places of resort and amusement, and all other places to which the general public is invited. (Sect. 49-4-211, 49-4-214) Public transportation includes trains, airplanes, buses, boats, taxis, and all modes of transportation offered for public use. (Sect. 49-4-211, 49-4-214) Housing includes any real property or portion thereof which has been offered for rent, lease or compensation as a home, residence or sleeping place, but does not include single family dwellings, the occupants of which have offered not more than one room for rent. (Sect. 49-4-212, 49-4-214) The driver of a vehicle will yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian with a dog guide. (Sect. 49-4-216) Violators will be fined not more than $25. (Sect. 49-4-217) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the rights enumerated above is guilty of a misdemeanor and punishable accordingly under Montana law. (Sect. 49-4-215)


Nebraska Statutes, Chapter 20, Sections 20-126 through 20-133 (enacted in 1971; amended in 1975, 1977, 1978, 1980, and 1983, and reissued in 1987) Chapter 28, Section, 28-1314)Nebraska law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and on all transportation. A dog guide user has a legal right to equal housing accommodation in all housing. No extra fee can be charged because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide is liable for any damage the dog might cause to the premises. A landlord can require a security deposit against damage, but the deposit cannot exceed one-fourth of one month’s rent. State policy ensures equal employment opportunity to blind persons in its state service, the service of its political subdivisions, in all public schools and in any employment supported in whole or part by public funds, except when the particular disability prevents performance of the work involved. Public accommodations include hotels, public buildings, stores, restaurants, places of resort and amusement, and all places to which the public is invited. (Sect. 20-127, Sect. 20-133) Public transportation includes trains, airplanes, boats, buses, taxis, and all other modes of conveyance offered for public use. (Sect. 20-127) Housing includes all property designed as a home or sleeping place and offered for rent, lease, or compensation, but does not include single family dwellings. (Sects. 20-131.01 through 20-131.04) A person commits the offense of failing to observe a blind person if as an operator of any vehicle or other conveyance, he fails to give special consideration to the bearer of a white cane or user of a guide dog; and stop and remain when approaching such bearer until such time as the bearer has reached a position of safety. (Sect. 28-1314) Violation: Any person, firm, or corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is guilty of a Class III misdemeanor and punishable accordingly under Nebraska law. (Sect. 20-129, Sect. 28-1314)


  Custom Canines Service Dog Academy is a 

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Madison, WI 53718

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