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Applications & Forms
Service Dog Application
We currently have a 3 – 5 year waiting list for our service dogs. We encourage applicants to research alternative training programs in addition to Custom Canines. Home interviews will be done as dogs become available for potential placements. Placements are not on a "first come, first served" basis, but are based on a careful match of skills, needs, and personalities of dogs and people alike.
To be eligible for a service dog from Custom Canines Service Dog Academy, Inc., an individual must:
Must be a military veteran, first responder or applying for the Owner Trainer Academy with your own dog.
Have a physical disability, debilitating chronic illness, neurological disorder, or psychiatric disorder that is medically substantiated by a physician or therapist.
Be physically and cognitively capable of participating in the training process, up to one hour per day of training.
Be able to independently command and handle their Assistance Dog.
Be able to meet the emotional, physical and financial needs of the Assistance Dog.
Be in a stable home environment.
Have a realistic plan of use for an Assistance Dog.
Custom Canines requires a $75 application fee. This donation is tax-deductible and you will be redirected to a PayPal payment page after completing this application. This $75 application fee is non-refundable.
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