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Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas 


Act 869, Alabama Statutes of 1975, Sections 21-7-1 through 21-7-10, Chapter 7. Section 1-1-3 Chapter 1. Section 32-5A-220. Section 3-1-7
Alabama statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in all public accommodations and conveyances. No additional charge can be levied because of the presence of the dog, but the dog guide user is liable for any property damage attributable to the dog. Statutory definition of blindness and how it is proven. (Section1-1-3) Any person who refuses to permit a dog guide accompanying a blind person to enter a place of public accommodation, public conveyance, etc, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and, upon conviction shall be fined and amount not to exceed $50.00. (Section 3-1-7) (Acts of 1967, No. 518, page 1242) Public accommodations for the purpose of this statute include such places as hotels, restaurants, stores, public buildings, places of amusement and recreation and any other facilities to which the public is invited. (Sec. 21-7-3, Sec. 21-7-2) Conveyances include airplanes, trains, buses, boats, public elevators and all other transportation services offered for public use. (Sec. 21-7-3) Housing, except for rented rooms in private dwelling, cannot be denied to a dog guide user either because of his or her blindness or because he or she has the dog guide. The landlord, however, is not responsible for modifying the premises in any way. (Sec. 21-7-9) Violation: Any person, firm, corporation, or agent thereof who violates the above enumerated rights is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to appropriate penalty. (Sec. 21-7-5) Drivers are required to yield the right of way to blind or visually impaired pedestrians, using a white cane or accompanied by a guide dog. (Sec. 32-5A-220)
Alaska Statutes of 1988; Code of Civil Procedure Sections 09.65.150 and 11.76.130
The State of Alaska guarantees by statute the legal right of a blind person to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in a common carrier, place of public accommodation, or other place to which the public is invited. No charge can be levied because of the presence of the dog, but the dog guide user is liable for any property damage the dog might cause. Violation: Interference with the rights of a disabled person is a Class B misdemeanor.


Arizona Statutes of 1965, amended in 1979, 1981, and 1992, Section 11-1024, Section 13-2910, Chapter 29
Arizona statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to be accompanied by a dog guide in any place to which the public is invited. The same right exists in regard to common carriers. No extra charge can be levied because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damages caused by the dog to the premises. Public place include restaurants, cafes, hotels, motels, stores, places of amusement and all other facilities open to the public except zoos and wild animal parks, which may exclude dog guides under certain specified conditions. (Sec. 11-1024-A) A proprietor may request that the dog guide user present the identification card provided him or her by the school from which the dog was obtained. (Sec. 11-1024-B) Common carriers include trains, buses, taxis, airplanes, etc. (Sec. 11-1024-A) The driver of a vehicle must yield the right-of-way to a pedestrian with a dog guide. (Sec. 11-1024-D) A person who intentionally interferes with, kills or harms a working or service animal (ie. guide dog) without either, legal privilege or consent of owner, and is convicted, is liable to the owner or agency of the service animal for the replacement and training costs of the service animal and for veterinary bills. (Sec. 13-2910) Violation: Any person, firm, association, corporation or agent thereof who interferes with the above enumerated rights is guilty of a class 1 misdemeanor and punishable under Arizona State Law. (11-1024-F)
Arkansas Act 484 of 1973, Chapter 29, Sections 82-2901 through 82-2907; Chapter 14, Sections 20-14-301 through 20-14-306
Arkansas statutory law guarantees a blind person the legal right to equal opportunity in the areas of housing employment, and the use of public accommodations and public carriers. It further guarantees the right of a blind person to be accompanied by a specially trained dog guide in the enjoyment of these rights and privileges. The dog guide user cannot be charged land extra fee because of the dog’s presence, but the dog guide user is liable for any damage the dog might cause. The right to employment, which the statute ensures, covers jobs in state government or political subdivisions of Arkansas, including schools and fields of academic activity receiving state funding. The only employment circumstances not covered are those where a physical disability makes it impossible to meet job requirements. (Sect. 82-2901, 20-14-301) The right to “equal accommodations” extends to all housing, except for private single family swellings, a portion of, which are made available for rent. The landlord is not required to modify the accommodations or to assume a higher standard of care. (Sect. 82-2903, 82-2904, 20-14-305) Public accommodations, for the purpose of this Act, include hotels, places of resorts and recreation, public buildings, restaurants, and all other places to which the public is invited. (Sect. 82-2901, 82-2902, 82-2903, 82-2904, 20-14-303) Common carriers and conveyances include all modes of transportation open to public use, whether by air, land or water. (82-2901, 82-2903, 82-2904) The driver of a vehicle approaching a visually handicapped or hearing impaired person, who is carrying a cane, which is predominately white or metallic in color, with or without a red tip or using a guide or hearing ear dog or the driver of a vehicle approaching an otherwise handicapped person, shall take all reasonable precautions to avoid injury to the visually handicapped, hearing impaired, or other physically handicapped pedestrian. (20-14-306) Violation: Any person, firm, corporation or agent thereof who violates the above rights is guilty of a misdemeanor. (82-2906, 20-14-302)

  Custom Canines Service Dog Academy is a 

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Madison, WI 53718

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